American Health Care Reform 2.0
Getting and delivering quality care takes more than just insurance coverage. It takes a strong, coordinated system that starts with the primary care doctor’s office.
What’s Next in Health Care Reform?
Improving the quality of care for Americans requires more than adequate insurance coverage.
Candidate’s Primer
CAPP leaders define a series of issues for policymakers to consider as they tackle health care reform issues.
Candidate’s Primer

What Every Candidate Should Know About Health Care
With thousands of political offices up for election this year in national, state, and local contests, candidates are searching for compelling health care platforms to address voters’ fundamental desire for high-quality, personal, affordable health care.
This report presents the insights and recommendations of the Council of Accountable Physician Practices, a coalition of America’s high-performing medical groups and health systems. The physician leaders of these groups have identified three priority issues for the future of American health care. They challenge candidates at all levels to address how they will accomplish each, as part of a national agenda for achieving high-value, high-quality health care:
- Accelerate the movement toward value-based payment for health care, moving away from the volume-based model, which is wasteful and may be harmful to patients.
- Encourage widespread and coordinated use of robust health information technology. Doctors can’t provide the best medical care unless they can access all of the information related to a patient’s health and treatment.
- Improve and harmonize quality measurement and reporting. Then use those measures to identify medical groups and health systems with the best clinical outcomes, and encourage them to help others match their success.
Read more to find out why the leaders of America’s most-respected health care systems have identified these three issues as priorities for candidates, and please join them in encouraging candidates to move this agenda forward.